Our Work
We collaborate from grassroots community organizations to multi-national decision makers to catalyze sustainable, equitable, and enduring change for children and families in crisis.
The OCAY Colombia Press Release
Imperial College of London signs into action a Moderna Charitable Foundation partnership award grant to address the real-time needs of 10.6 million children who have experienced the sudden loss of a caregiver due to COVID-19 during the pandemic.
Key recommendations on the reform of Ukraine’s child protection and care system.
COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood and Caregiver Loss in South Africa
An urgent call to integrate care for affected children into every national response, health, and social development plan
Scaling Up Family Care through Care Reform
A Conceptual Framework
COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood in Malawi
An urgent call to integrate care for orphaned children into every national plan for children.
Hope for Children Affected by the War in Ukraine
An urgent call to instill hope in families facing crisis.
New Evidence on the Impacts of Violence on ART Adherence Amongst Adolescents Living with HIV
COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood in Zambia
An urgent call to deliver support for orphaned and vulnerable children through national action plans.
Children: The Hidden Pandemic September 2022
Orphanhood and Caregiver Loss Based on Excess COVID-19 Death Estimates
COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood in Eswatini
An urgent call to integrate care for orphaned children into every national COVID-19 response.
COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood in Kenya
An urgent call to integrate care for orphaned children into every national COVID response.
Urgent Action to Overcome the Threat of COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood and Caregiver Death
Critical Considerations for Movement of Children During a Humanitarian Crisis
Children: The Hidden Pandemic 2021
A joint report of COVID-19 associated orphanhood and a strategy for action
Guidance on Costing Child Protection Policies and Advocating for Increased Investment
Impacts of the Ethiopian Health Extension Programme (HEP) on Eleven Areas of Adolescent Health and Wellbeing
A Quasi-Experimental Study 2002-2013
Parenting Programmes As A Child Abuse Intervention In High-Conflict Settings